Archive | Clinical & Orthopedic Massage

Location of symptoms in relation to nerve fiber innervation of muscles

Deciphering Elusive Symptoms of Nerve Injury

One of the most challenging situations facing practitioners who work with pain and injury conditions is correctly interpreting nerve injury symptoms. It seems that in so many massage therapy training programs the nervous system gets only cursory attention, yet pain originating in the nervous system is a critical factor that drives people to our practices. […]

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Two types of certificate programs and certification programs

Certificate vs. Certification: Credentialing Terminology Matters

There is a great deal of confusion in our profession (as well as many others) about the terms certificate and certification. We have an abundance of marketing and promotional materials in our field which advertise for “certification” in particular modalities or technique methods. However, this illustrates a common misunderstanding about the distinction between a certificate […]

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Questions to Consider for Myofascial Therapy

Clinical practice is often changed by research that sheds new light on treatment methods. When translating results from research studies to clinical practice we must not overgeneralize the results or use one single study as final unconfirmed proof of anything. However, there are times when a study is truly groundbreaking and is an indication of […]

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Figure 3 Z-Plasty incision pattern

Dupuytren’s Contracture

Introduction As the population of the country ages, massage practitioners should be aware of various diseases and conditions that are increasingly common in an older age group. One such condition is a connective tissue disorder that affects the palmar fascia of the hand, called Dupuytren’s contracture. The primary structure affected in Dupuytren’s contracture is the […]

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Actions of the piriformis change after significant hip flexion

Unraveling the Complexities of Piriformis Syndrome

Introduction Cultural colloquialisms develop from real world experiences. When something is very difficult or annoying we characteristically refer to it as a real “pain in the butt”. And, well that is the perfect description for this syndrome. Sciatica is a poorly defined condition that generally refers to any pain sensation felt in the gluteal region […]

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